I can finally say, with a high degree of certainty, that I will have, by the first week of December, a substantial amount of images to complete the comparison of street names signs in Manhattan. From the New York Historical Society, the Transit Museum and especially from the online resource recommended to me by a librarian at the New York Public Library, the Museum of the City of New York, I have managed to find a considerable amount of photos marking the change in signage over the last century. I don’t have many color images, which is upsetting, however thanks to Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, North by Northwest and a few other films shot in color and on location in Manhattan, I will have some. (At least I finally have an example to show what I’m talking about, see bottom!)
The next steps for me will be a bit difficult and daunting but necessary. I need to organize what I have to see precisely which streets or intersections are repeated over time. Next I need to go out and photograph those repeated and most essential signs as they look today. But most intimidating is the actual input into URT. I need to figure out the best way to input this information in URT. (This step is the most difficult for me so far but I’m sure it’ll all come together properly in the end.) Finally, after all this organization is complete, I need to make sure I have a sound and significant story to tell with the map that results from this collection of images, and an argument that is just as significant and substantial.
Below is just an example of what I’m trying to show. The first is 23rd and Lexington Ave from 1848; the second is 23rd and 5th Ave from 1896; the third is 23rd and 4th Ave from 1906; the fourth is 23rd and Broadway from 1920 and the last is 23rd and 8th Ave from 1937. The final image will be a photo I take of 23rd street, 2011. I will also be adding all additional, relevant information (such as source material, etc.) when I finally post the images to URT. But the actual postinfg to URT is the last big hurdle.
Congratulations! It’s coming together! We’ll talk this week about making sure we all have “sound and significant stor[ies]” to tell with our maps, and “argument[s] that [are] just as significant and substantial.” And next week we’ll likely have optional “consultation time” for you to seek technical assistance if necessary. So it’s a good idea to test a few uploads between now and then.