Presentation Schedule
Possible Subjects for Your Map Critiques
(you’re also welcome to go “off-list”!)
Lots more where these came from
Betaville (“an open-source multiplayer environment for real cities, in which ideas for new works of public art, architecture, urban design, and development can be shared, discussed, tweaked, and brought to maturity in context, and with the kind of broad participation people take for granted in open source software development”)
Columbia University’s Spatial Information Design Lab
Denis Wood’s Everything Sings maps: a beautiful book, and the subject of a recent article (with a nice slideshow!) in Design Observer
James Bridle’s Rorschmap
Mapping Power Networks: Bureau d’Etudes + Josh On’s “They Rule” (see Brian Holmes, “Counter Cartographies” and J. J. King, “The Node Knows” In Janet Adams & Peter Hall, Eds., Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks and Territories (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006): 20-25, 44-49 + 37-41).
Mapping Surveillance: Institute for Applied Autonomy, “i-SEE” (see Lize Mogel & Alexis Bhagat, “Tactical Cartographies” An Atlas of Radical Cartography (Los Angeles: Journal of Aeshtetics an Protest Press, 2007): 29-37).
Mapping Cyberspace: Barrett Lyon & The Opte Project, “Map of the Internet” + Bill Cheswick & Hal Burch, Lumeta + Atlas of Cyberspaces.
Mapping Projects for Mobile Devices: Chris Speed, et. al., “Walking Through Time“; 34 North 118 West [here too]
The Network & Society Project, the CurrentCity Project + Other Projects @ MIT’s Senseable City Lab.
Christian Nold, Biomapping (see Tom Vanderbilt, “The Body Electric” Artforum 45:7 (March 2007): 119-20 and Christian Nold, Ed., Emotional Cartography: Technologies of the Self (Creative Commons)).
Old S.F.: “This site provides an alternative way of browsing the SFPL‘s incredible San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection.”
Pleiades (see Tom Elliott & Sean Gillies, “Digital Geography and Classics” Digital Humanities Quarterly 3:1 (Winter 2009).
Proboscis, “Urban Tapestries” (see Andrea Moed, “The Map Gets Personal” In Janet Adams & Peter Hall, Eds., Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks and Territories (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006): 107, 122).
Ryan Syllivan’s Redraw/Reboot Maps [via]
Eric Sanderson, Kim Fisher, Markley Boyer, Amanda Huron and Danielle LaBruna & Philip Pond, The Mannahatta Project.
The Skyscraper Museum’s Visual Index to the Virtual Archive and Manhattan Timeformations (see Janet Abrams, “Destinations and Detours” and “Looking for a Less Imperial Gaze” In Janet Adams & Peter Hall, Eds., Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks and Territories (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006): 112-16).
Sound Mapping: “Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Medal” New York Times (February 26, 2010); John Krygier, “Making Maps With Sound” Making Maps: DIY Cartography [blog post] (March 25, 2008); Ben Taussig, “Atlas Sound: A Typology of Sound Maps” This is Weird Vibrations [blog post] (January 10, 2010); —, “Sound Maps II” (January 13, 2010); Radio Aporee.
Stamen’s map = yes
TreeKit: “We’re helping city dwellers measure, map, and manage street trees.” [see this article in Atlantic Cities]
Ushahidi: “We are a non-profit tech company that specializes in developing free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. We build tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories.”