First off, thanks to Shannon, Rory, and everyone in the class. I thought it was a valuable experiment in design-led research, and I was super impressed by how engaged and collaborative and supportive everyone was.
In terms of my project evaluation, ...Read More
After narrowing down my data set, I started to sketch out the social and material networks of specific zines based on the data -- not by geographic points, but by connections. As expected, I found that the zine titles that ...Read More
Like others in the class, this week I had a realization that I had to re-evaluate the scope of my project. I’d approached my project really broadly at the outset, contacting zine librarians, collectors, archivists etc. across NYC. My ...Read More
Organizing Text and Numerical Data
Juliana’s great post about Visualizing and Organizing data inspired me to follow up with my own post on the subject. I too have been using Excel spreadsheets to kept track of my research data. ...Read More
As I mentioned in my Pecha Kucha (I think), this research project has brought up some interesting dynamics for me between analog/digital, low-fi/high-tech.
Zine culture is very much about process, about the craft of making. The zine artifact is tactile, tangible ...Read More
Mapping the Social Lives of Zines: Situated Media networks from 1985-1995
Recent articles in mainstream media publications ranging from the New York Times and BusinessWeek to the Village Voice and Wired have all featured the recent resurgence of ...Read More
Download presentation Envisioning Development
Map link:
For my map critique, I chose to focus on an interactive map created by the Center for Urban Pedagogy in partnership with the Pratt Center for Community Development, the Fifth Avenue Committee, and other community-based ...Read More