Week 2: September 15: From Tubes to T-1s

Kate Ascher, “CommunicationsThe Works: Anatomy of a City (New York: Penguin, 2005): 122-147.

Shannon Mattern, “Puffs of Air: Communicating by Vacuum” In John Knechtel, Ed., Air (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010): 42-56.

Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin, “Approaching Telecommunications and the City” and “Urban Physical Form” In Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places (New York: Routledge, 1996): 79-122, 312-336.

Andrew Blum, “Netscapes: Tracing the Journey of a Single BitWired (December 2009).

Internet Backbone Maps

**And if you’re interested, I’ve posted here an abridged version of a grant narrative in which I describe my inspiration and goals for our mapping project.


Week 3: September 22: Putting the Urban into Media Archaeology

Siegfried Zielinski, “Introduction: The Idea of a Deep Time of the Media” and excerpts from “Fortuitous Finds Instead of Searching in Vain: Methodological Borrowings and Affinities for an Anarchaeology of Seeing and Hearing by Technical Means” In Deep Time of the Media: Toward an Archaeology of Hearing and Seeing by Technical Means (Cambridge, MIT Press, 2006): 1-11, 27-38.

Jussi Parikka, Interview with Garnet Hertz, “Archaeologies of Media ArtCTheory (April 1, 2010). (13 pp.)

Friedrich A. Kittler, “The City Is a MediumNew Literary History 27:4 (1996): 717-729.

Vyjayanthi Rao, “Embracing Urbanism: The City as ArchiveNew Literary History 40:2 (Spring 2009): 371-383.

Kazys Varnelis, “Centripetal CityCabinet 17 (Spring 2004/2005): 27-33.

David Macaulay, excerpts from Underground (Boston; Houghton Mifflin, 1976): 46-47, 88-91, 110-111. [consider visualization strategies]


Week 4: September 29: Digital Humanities/Assessment Rubrics

Tara McPherson, “Introduction: Media Studies and the Digital HumanitiesCinema Journal 48:2 (Winter 2009): 119-123. (5 pp.)

UCLA Digital Humanities & Media Studies, “Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0” (2009). (14 pp.)

Steve Anderson, “Regeneration: Multimedia Genres and Emerging Scholarship” [white paper] Institute for Multimedia Literacy, USC. (13 pp.)

Shannon Mattern, “Evaluating Multimodal Student WorkWordsinspace.net [blog post] (August 11, 2010).

Shannon Mattern, “Critiquing MapsWordsinspace.net [blog post] (August 29, 2010).

Denis Wood and John Fels, Excerpts from “The Nature of Maps” and “The Propositional Logic of the Map” In The Natures of Maps: Cartographic Constructions of the Natural World (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008): 6-16, 26-28, 31-32. (16 pp.)


Week 5: October 6: Researching Strategies

Barbara Heck, Elizabeth Preston & Bill Svec, “A Survival Guide to Archival Research” American Historical Association (December 2004).

SKIM Shannon Mattern, “From Post Offices to Radiograms: Local Primary Resources on Urban Media History” Wordsinspace.net [blog post] (July 20, 2010).


Week 6: October 13: Mapping Along X, Y, and Z Axes

Review Todd Presner, “HyperCities: A Case Study for the Future of Scholarly Publishing” In Jerome McGann, Andrew Stauffer, Dana Wheeles, & Michael Pickard, Eds., Online Humanities Scholarship: The Shape of Things to Come. Proceedings of the Mellon Foundation Online Humanities Conference (Rice University Press, 2010). (17 pp.) [Please note that since you originally read this piece, the Rice University link has been broken and the essay has moved to a new site, where the formatting is a bit different] — See HyperCities [we’ll play around with the site in class]

Alison Sant, “Redefining the Basemap” Intelligent Agent 6:2 (n.d.). (7 pp.)

Ole Bouman, “Re:Orientation” In Janet Adams & Peter Hall, Eds., Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks and Territories (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006): 54-57. (4 pp.)

Jeremy Hight, “Rhizomatic Cartography: Modulated Mapping and the Spatial Net” NeMe (May 5, 2009). (7 pp.)

Jesse Shapins & Brian House, “Designers and Citizens as Critical Media Artists” Urban Omnibus (July 1, 2009). (10 pp.)

James Corner, Excerpts (Intro, “The Agency of Mapping,” “Maps and Reality” & “Mapping Operations”) from “The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention” In Denis Cosgrove, Ed., Mappings (London: Reaktion, 1999): 213-217, 221-225, 229-231. (12 pp.)


Week 7: October 20: Mapping the Urban Database Documentary (Guest: Jesse Shapins)

Jesse Shapins, “Mapping the Urban Database DocumentaryUrban Geographers: Independent Filmmakers and the City, Ed. Mark Street (Berghahn Books, 2011). [I also strongly recommend that you take a look at Jesse’s website and the website for his amazing “Media Archaeology of Place” class at Harvard.]

Supplemental Resource: Lev Manovich, “Database as Symbolic FormConvergence 5 (1999): 80-99.

Supplemental Resource: Man with a Movie Camera


Week 9: November 3

PechaKucha: 20:20

Olivia Mitchell, “Five Presentation Tips for Pecha Kucha or Ignite PresentationSpeaking About Presenting [blog post] (n.d.).

Videos of Ignite presentations.


Week 10: November 10

Supporting Data Management Infrastructure for the HumanitiesArts-Humanities.net (2009-10).