Generally speaking, the cliched sentiments that would fall down on the page here would be, "It has been a long and challenging semester that was all the more rewarding for the work that was put into it." In truth, time ...Read More
panoptICONS Utrecht 2010
I found this link, and it immediately reminded me of Hethre's original project, but with a considerable twist. Here, the project has turn sculpted birds into cameras to comment on the ubiquity of forms of surveillance. Have a ...Read More
Bio Mapping is an ongoing, multimodal mapping project created and headed by artist and designer Christian Nold. In what began in 2004, the project has involved, according to Nold, thousands of subjects across 16 different countries, using the Situationist concept ...Read More
Stumbling blocks are useful. I should like to admit that I've been a little frustrated with the progress I've made in my study of speakeasies, prohibition, bar culture, and media theory. For just a few reasons. Firstly, there's simply so much ...Read More
Starting my research slowly but I should say surely, I've taken a few notes on a pair of places, but have yet to approach what I would classify as an "authentic" speakeasy. Which leads me to believe that the term "authenticity" ...Read More
Research Questions
Why is there such a fascination with alcohol? What does it mean when we designate certain spaces to imbibe it throughout time? Why has there not been more study on the subject? These are the questions I intend to ...Read More